Changing the World with Art

All too often, I hear a lot about how a career in art is not worth pursuing, as the chances of becoming rich and famous are slim, and keeping up with the various artistic tastes and trends of people and popular culture is costly and draining, among other reasons. But I wonder if those who might feel this way would consider the greater impact that art can have, well beyond the individual and into the world. What is the worth of art, really?


Here's a site that may get them--and maybe even you--thinking. It sure did for me:


This is the official website for an e-zine published by Art Saves Lives International (ASLI) , a non-profit organization based out of the UK that supports the efforts of artists everywhere to call attention to the tough issues our world faces, including:


  • Mental illness
  • Violence against women
  • Poverty and war
  • Suicide awareness


Some of the most haunting work I have seen came from the organization's own president, Charlotte Farhan. In time for her upcoming exhibition, she has begun posting work centered on the themes of rape and rape culture. One work, I Am Still Bleeding, is comprised of a painting and a revealing poem about her traumatic experience as a rape survivor.


I think that the more global outlets that artists have, like ASLI, the more opportunities we can have to spark conversations about the challenges we go through as human beings and take us closer to solutions to positively impact our future.


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